Thursday, July 20, 2006

Random Concert.

I went bike riding this evening because it was a bit cooler than during the day (no less humid though) and ended up at the Marietta Skatepark where the trail ends. Suddenly I heard live music! It was a big rock show! I stayed until the end, despite the many kids who stood around dropping f-bombs and smoking, and didn't regret it.

Here is my review:

I think I missed a band somehow ... whatever.

Shinobu - They only played three songs and I only heard one and a half. Apparently their lead singer accidentally cut his head open with a plastic sports drink bottle, so they cut their set short. He left and got stitches. Anyway, the music that I did hear was good.

Another Statistic - Extremely good. The songs were pretty complicated with some cool timing. The guitar player and the drummer both sang and, for one song, they switched instruments! More involving one of them in a second ...

Young Hollywood - I'm not sure what I was expecting from them, but they blew me away. With three guitars, bass and drums, they had some of the coolest instrumental hard rock I've ever heard. There were hardly any vocals at all - they just played really cool riffs with strategic pauses and feedback ... All I can say is "wow."

In between the final two bands, I talked with Bryce, the guitarist/singer for Another Statistic. It turns out that he is studying to be a Mormon religion teacher. I told him what I am doing and we said we'd pray for each other. We also watched and laughed as the last band set up their two keyboards ...

Homes - Yeah, I said two keyboards, along with bass, drums and vocals. This is one of the strangest bands I've ever heard, but they were strangely entertaining. The music was kind of weird and noisy, but the band was fun to watch. My favorite part of their set was when one of the keyboard players took off running around the crowd and, while he was gone, the singer just kept hitting bunches of keys on the keyboard. Yeah, weird.

So, all in all it was a fun time. I'd never heard any of the bands, didn't know anyone, and definitely didn't fit in with the small crowd that was watching, but I just love seeing live music. The label that set this up (Project Active Media) is (I'm pretty sure) run by the guitarist for Young Hollywood/bass player for Homes.

It's good to see younger people doing stuff like this. It's creative, fun, and really shouldn't cause any worry to any authorities.

Oh yeah, to finish the random night, on the way home I saw a stretch minivan with a cow print paint job. Strange.

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