Monday, August 28, 2006

It's going to be a busy semester.

- Readings in Ecclesiastical Latin
- Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
- Philosophy of God
- Philosophic Anthropology
- Pre-Theology Integration Seminar

- I am president of the Student Association. I'll be planning a few of the bigger social events here.
- I'm in charge of Art and Flowers for the seminary chapel.
- I am going to attempt to be a cantor. Wish me luck.

I will probably get stressed over all of these from time to time, but in the end, it's all about God and getting closer to Him every day. That's all that really matters.

Let me know how your semesters are shaping up. I'll pray for all of you! Please pray for me and students everywhere for whom the school year just started.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Mike! A cantor?

sweet. good luck!