Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Mel Gibson ...

... acts stupid and hurts himself (and the rest of us).

Transcript of Arrest Report

I bring this up because it could very well affect how people look at a good movie, like ... hmm ... THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST! So, not only was the film suspected of being anti-semitic, but now the director (who happens to be one of the most famous Catholics in the country) makes it pretty clear that he feels this way to some extent. ARGH!

Even is Gibson is anti-semitic, The Passion is still a good movie. Deal with that.

Also, while I'm on the topic, the role that alcohol played in this is interesting. I don't think that being drunk could cause a normally loving person to develop prejudices that he didn't have before - alcohol just turns off the filter.



father michael said...

I want to comment on my own comments with a question: I read a commentary in the paper about this whole thing that said we are all prejudiced towards groups of people in some way or another.

What do y'all (ha) think about that?

Silverstride said...

Maybe the person that said that agrees with the idea that if someone of a certain group/gender/race somehow made an impact or left and impression on your life in a positive or negative way...then the person might feel that way towards all member of that group or the people who grew up being taught to hate certain people. These are just things I remember from sociology. It is sad when someone is raised to hate others by someone who was taught that when they group up...its like a circle or chain.

Gregaria said...

I agree with what you said about alcohol. I think it would turn off the filter.

Also, I don't think you can say everyone is prejudiced in one way or another. I'm not prejudiced that I know of, unless you're thinking of prejudices other than the usual ones. Also, what do you mean by prejudice? Outright hate, thinking of people as less than human, or just not agreeing with them on certain things? For that matter, I wonder what the author of the article meant when s/he said that...