Tuesday, September 19, 2006

"Alright, cliffhangers. Prepare to be resolved!"

Strong Sad: Look, you can tell me.

Homestar Runner: I can't!

Strong Sad: Oh, come on, what is it?

Homestar Runner: I'm... pregnant!

Strong Sad: No... no, you're Homestar. Runner. The male.

Homestar Runner: Oohhhh, phew. Thought I was a pregnant woman for a second there.

Strong Sad: Yeah... uh... I think I'd like my money back now.

Check it!


Chris said...

mike u misspelled "pregnant"

it's Pwegnant. wif a dubba-yew

father michael said...

Hahahahaha. Sorry.

You misspelled "u." It's "you."

Carlos said...

That may be one of the best strongbad moments yet!

Sadly in regards to the pirates and ninjas, youtube is blocked by our censors, though I hope the video you linked to is better than the hokey pirate vs. ninja one on yahoo that was up a few days ago.