Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Attempting to post everything ...

... I have bookmarked because Blogger is being randomly slow. Sometimes it will publish, sometimes it won't. So, here goes:

"The Union Forever" by the White Stripes over video from Citizen Kane - Most of the lyrics of the song are from that awesome movie.

Elvis commercial - featuring Jimmy Page, Keith Moon, and that guy from Oasis.

Mick Jagger and David Bowie Dancing in the Street - The two creepiest singers in all of rock music get even creepier.

I Can't Imagine a Dumber Song - Mark Shea tears apart John Lennon's "Imagine." Quite good and true (Grue?).

[Thanks, myself, Dan, Matthew, and Mom, respectively.]


father michael said...

Two things:

1. I tend to agree with Mark Shea about the song. I'm pretty sure he was around when it came out and, in regards to having a religious view to the article, it's a Catholic newspaper. He's critiquing "Imagine" from a Catholic standpoint.

I always liked the song and still kind of do, but what is John singing about? It's about a world where "what you see is what you get," there's nothing more to what's going on. If you listen to a lot of John's solo stuff, that's the direction he went. It's too bad. This goes against any sort of faith.

Sure, it sounds good at first, "imagine all the people living life in peace" but that's never going to happen if there is nothing worth fighting for. I'm not talking about war, but just standing up for right.

2. That said, we do overanalyze things a lot. This article is just a short thing in a religious newspaper, it's not a philosophical outline.

Thanks for commenting!

Gregaria said...

I tend to agree with the Mr. Shea's remarks as well. I've always thought the song was totally anti-Catholic in its philosophy. I'm pretty sure that Mr. Shea was saying, from a Catholic point of view, that it is right to hope for all people to live in peace and to have no wars, but Mr. Lennon's way of getting to that point (by not having anything to live or die for, for instance) is totally wrong and, ultimately, will not bring peace. Think about it: some people live and die for God, so Mr. Lennon is basically asking those people to give up belief in God so that they won't have anything to live or die for. There are two problems with this: first, they won't have anything to live for... which means they may as well kill themselves. Sounds like a great way to live... or not live, eh? Secondly, if they didn't kill themselves and decided to stay alive, then, you're right, there probably wouldn't be any wars. In this sense there would be world peace. But what about inner peace? Without any God... I would go absolutely insane and probably kill myself anyways! God is the only One Who can make us happy at all! I think this is where Mr. Lennon misses a step. He thinks that the world would be perfect if there were no wars. But, even if the world did not have wars, without God, we would be totally unhappy. So, I'm sorry to take so much room and time, and I don't know if you'll even read this, but I feel very, very strongly about this song and how flawed it is, especially since I see the Catholic Faith as having all Truth and this song as denying some of the most important of those Truths.

God bless.