Friday, September 15, 2006

Close to home.

I added a new link to the list of Seminarian Blogs on the right. It's Muster the Rohirrim, by MattC, a seminarian studying right here at St. Vincent. He also linked to me. I appreciate it and love finding more seminarian blogs. I also love Lord of the Rings-related stuff.

Matt's explanation of the title:

Such a strange title of a blog post you may ask. Well, as all true fans of Lord of the Rings know, this is a reference to King Theoden in Return of the King. 'Muster the Rohirrim' is his answer to the call for aid by Gondor. Well, I thought this to be an appropriate title to my blog. The Catholic Church is always under attack. It is time to defend that institution which Christ brought to us nearly 2000 years ago.

This blog will be a journal of a seminarian studying for the Roman Catholic Priesthood.

There are many tragedy's in life. There is suffering everywhere. Christ did not leave us alone. He works through his priests, bringing healing and grace through his sacraments. He is the hope for the world. He needs men to respond to his call. To that I say, "I will answer....Muster the Rohirrim".

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