Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Lights out ...

It's funny how we act in different, but certainly not unusual circumstances.

Yesterday evening, the power at St. Vincent started acting strangely. First, certain lights got dim and some of the outlets stopped working. Then all the lights in the hallways went out and the room lights became dimmer. Then finally, all of the power completely shut off.

As soon as things started shutting off, we all started hanging out and talking. When all of the power finally shut off, we went for a walk around the campus. College students were out wandering around with flashlights, people were gathered outside their dorms, and there was an atmosphere of ... I'm not sure what to call it ... maybe "an enjoyable crisis"?

We ended up on the front porch talking and listening to MikeM from Youngstown play songs on his harmonica. It was a fun night.

It's interesting that as soon as we knew that things weren't quite normal, we all started hanging out and enjoying the darkness. I went to bed around 12:30 and was woken up a few hours later when all the lights in my room, my computer, and my stereo (playing Johnnny Cash) came back on.


Silverstride said...

Remember when the street lights went out as we were driving home?

father michael said...


father michael said...

True that. Though his raspy voice was a little startling at first ...