Sunday, September 17, 2006

One hardcore awesome post.

I found this post, Be strong; believe, through Cow's blog. It's is seriously worth reading.

Here's a part that really hit me:

I would assume that many young men who think they might be called have having some of the same problems as I'd faced. Fear, Fear. loneliness and maybe a little more fear. Everyone has a different story, everyone has a different calling. The starting point for everyone's Faith, is faith. The starting point for everyone's discernment is also faith.
As Catholics we need to believe that God is real, that God is love, and that God is in control. After that we can deal with loneliness.

If you've chosen to be Catholic than you must remember that God is real, alive. He does not take cat-naps, but is continually watching over his Creation. Even if you do not think he's there, He is. Omnipresent. (old school is the best school) It means God is everywhere, because he is in everything. Period. He knows everything that's ever been, is, and will be. He's God, please don't be surprised. Christ said he would never leave us orphans, sent the Holy Spirit, gave us angels to watch over us, and left us the Eucharist. To be Catholic means that you are not alone, someone is always there.

If you've chosen to be Catholic than you must remember that "God is Love." God Loves Us. He loves me, He loves You. John 3:14! Christ suffered and was crucified-do you really think he'll leave us to rot like we left him? Christ, after he rose didn't say, "Get ready to burn for leaving me in the dust!" He said "Peace be with you." He loved them then, and he loves us now. He paid for all of us with is blood, He is not about to let a single drop of His precious Blood be wasted. He continues to love us, no matter what. We must believe that or fall with the rest of the world in despair and darkness.

If you've chosen to be Catholic than you must also remember that God is in control. Everything happens because God has allowed it. He has no part in evil and sin, but allows it to happen because he is the ultimate parent: He lets us do whatever we want. We are in this world, not apart of it. With all the craziness of the world you must remember that as God is real, and that if God loves you, He will come to your protection. If we chose God, God will keep us protected like the Israelites, and we shall be his chosen people. We may be persecuted, we may be enslaved, we may be beaten, bruised, humiliated, ignored, despised, but we will survive. If we are called to be priests, He will make us happy as ones, just the same as if we were to be married. He will take care of us. It's not like you're alone in this. God is calling plenty of other young men-and most of them are going through the same thing we are.

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