Friday, September 22, 2006

Pirates need confession too.

A great post from The Ironic Catholic (I found it on The Curt Jester):

Pete the Pirate: Ahoy, forgive me, Father, for I have been a bleedin' bilge rat. Aye, it's been 10 years now since me last confession.

Priest: Go on, me scurvy dog.

Pete: Well, Father, I've been pillagin' ships and stealin' gold me whole adult life, and am well acquainted with the grog.

Priest: Go on now.

Pete: And Father, the wenches...let's say thar hast been many a lass caboodlin' in the anchorhold outside of the weddin' march.

Priest: Blimey! Ye should walk the plank for that one.

Pete: Aye, tis a sad here it be:
Aye, me God, I am heart'ly sorry fur havin' offended ye,
and I detest me sins--
b'cos I fear losin' me Heaven,
an' don't want to be marooned in Hell--
but most of all they offend ye, me God,
Ye who are a right fine God,
and deservin' of all the doubloons I could give ye and then more.
Aye, so I smartly resolve,
wit' the help of your grace,
to heave to my sins,
to keelhaul my soul,
an' to make right me scurvy life.

Priest: Me son, go in peace. Swab yer poopdeck for yer penance and sin no more.

Pete: Thank ye, Father. (exiting confessional: "Yo ho ho...God is a right mericiful laddie.")


Gregaria said...

why is it that pirates sound like irishmen?

Anonymous said...

Ha! You found me out--just MY pirates sounds like the Irish!

Mike G, thanks for the link! Glad you liked it.

Anonymous said...

I like the story ..... you should talk like a pirate in class. That'd make MattL laugh!