Monday, September 04, 2006

Why is Madonna still popular?

I'll never understand that.

Official can't ban Madonna mock-crucifixion

Though I'm definitely not in favor of Madonna's mock-crucifixion nonsense, I kind of agree with this judgement:

Minister Piet Hein Donner said he understood the concerns of the SGP party which asked the minister to prevent Madonna performing the scene in concerts Sunday and Monday, but said only a court could take action against the show.

"It is understandable that Christians feel offended by the crucifixion act that Madonna performs," he said in remarks posted on the SGP website. "It is a reprehensible way to attract attention at the cost of the deepest feelings of many people."

"That does not mean that this act can be classified as blasphemy," he said. "Judgment over whether the event in question constitutes blasphemy is not up to the justice minister, but up to prosecutors and ultimately a judge."

I don't really want any government judging what is blasphemy or isn't and having the authority to punish it. Who knows what would come next? It is the responsibility of the Church to point out what is wrong with this sort of thing. After that, I think the best way to respond is with our wallets, refusing to pay any artist (or movie or whatever) to insult our religion.

Regardless, I ask again: Why is Madonna even relevant?

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