Monday, January 19, 2009

I know ...

... I've had a lot of scifi geekery on here lately. What can I say?

My first week of classes for the semester went well, though it left me fairly exhausted.
On Saturday, several seminarians and I traveled to Steubenville for the Festival of Praise. I got to see a bunch of friends-from-home and really enjoyed the FOP itself. Afterwards, we stopped by my house and said hi to my family, and then headed up to Robinson for some Steak N Shake. Mmm.

It had started snowing by the time we left Ohio and was getting pretty nasty after we ate, so the ride back to Latrobe was slow, but we made it. It snowed for most of Sunday, leaving St. Vincent covered.

Now I'm just getting ready for classes and the March for Life.

By the way, please say a prayer for my family's dog, Smokey, who has been sick for the past few days.

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