Monday, January 12, 2009

Oh yeah, I'm back.

The last time I updated what was going on with me was around Christmas, so here's the deal:

The rest of my break was cool. Craigr came in for New Years Eve, so we hung out with Josh and went to a couple of friends' houses. In the end, I had a really cool conversation with some people that totally overshadowed the ball dropping.

That Friday, I traveled up to Cleveland to hang out with friends and play racquetball. Both were great. I came back the next day. On Sunday, all of the Steubenville seminarians had dinner with the bishop and vocation director. I packed that night and spent the next morning at FUS before heading back to Latrobe in the afternoon.

Because I'm the liturgical coordinator this year, I went immediately to St. Emma's to help out with the canonical retreat (seminarians who are going to be ordained a deacon or priest within the year are required to do a five day retreat). There were only around twenty guys there plus me and another sacristan, so it was pretty quiet and relaxing. The rest of the house came on Wednesday and the formal retreat started it. It was grace-filled for me - a good way to start the year.

We came back to school yesterday. I got unpacked/settled in and had solemn vespers. Today was the first day of class. My courses for this semester:
Intro. to Canon Law
Writings of St. Paul
Church History: Medieval Period to the Counter-Reformation
Pastoral Visitation of the Sick

Now I'm getting into our new schedule. Classes are arranged on a Monday-Thursday, Tuesday-Friday schedule with Wednesday as a formation day. It should be interesting.

This Friday, as I've already noted, is Battlestar Galactica Day. Next week is the March for Life.

Plenty to keep us busy.

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