Sunday, February 19, 2006

Author claims omniscience!

No, not really, but in this interview, Eric Metexas (author of Everything You Always Wanted to Know About God (but were afraid to ask) and a writer for Veggie Tales) makes this brilliant, dead-on statement:

Christianity is only possible in community, meaning that it cannot be practiced outside of the context of scads of other Christians, just as serious and more serious about it than any of us is. If we are surrounded by people of serious faith it's bound to rub off on us. And let's face it, people of serious faith are merely reflecting reality, merely reflecting God's truth. By looking at God's truth and living in as much proximity to it as possible we make it harder for the lies of the culture-including and especially sexual lies—to pollute our minds and souls. We need to surround ourselves with innocence and love and beauty to combat the extremely pervasive images and messages of ugliness and confusion all around us. So the short answer to your question is that Christianity is always possible, and uxoriousness and all kinds of faithfulness are always possible. God never ever calls us to anything that's not possible. But if we're only hanging around people who can't imagine any of these wonderful things, we make it pretty much impossible for us to imagine and live out those things.

Godspy also has an excerpt of the book here.

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