Wednesday, August 23, 2006

"CRISIS!" ...

... has been the catchphrase of St. Vincent Seminary orientation this year, but it doesn't really apply.

Things have been going splendidly so far. Yesterday, we prepared everything for the new seminarians and today we helped them move in as they arrived. This evening we have Vespers and then a social thing.

Having just been orientated myself (last year), I can understand that it's an interesting experience. You come into a very large campus completely lost, you have challenging classes to take, and you also have to figure out how to act around and relate to a bunch of new people. It takes a little while to get used to it.

However, once you get over the initial feeling of being lost, it's tons of fun.

The new guys seem to be a great group and I'm looking forward to see what the seminary will be like this year. Please pray for all of us, as well as the new Steubenville seminarians moving into the House of Formation this week.

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