Thursday, October 05, 2006

Everybody picks on Harry ...

... as if he doesn't get beat up enough in the books.

'Ban Harry Potter or face more school shootings'

Referring to the recent rash of deadly assaults at schools, Mallory said books that promote evil - as she claims the Potter ones do - help foster the kind of culture where school shootings happen.

That would not happen if students instead read the Bible, Mallory said.

She added that the books were harmful to children who are unable to differentiate between reality and fantasy.

What? Have any of these people actually read any of the books? When Christians act like they are afraid of (really good) literature, or art in general, it confirms the world's opinion that we live in some sort of fantasy world.

Regardless, it is the job of parents to make sure that their kids don't think that the world of Harry Potter is real. Banning the book only makes kids want to find out what the big deal is about. And there is no big deal! The books are well written, entertaining, and display some extremely good morals in action: there's self-sacrifice, love, loyalty, and many more.

Please, read these books before you pass judgement on them.

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