Thursday, October 05, 2006


So, Mark Hoppus and Travis Barker's (formerly of Blink 182) new band is a little different than originally predicte, but it still sounds pretty decent. The first single is on purevolume (though you can't download it). It's got a sort of techno vibe to it and sounds cool. Regardless of what he's playing, Travis Barker is an amazing drummer.

Also, here's an interview with Mark, telling his side of the Blink's breakup. It's kind of sad that grown-ups, especially ones who make some really good music, tend to act like little children. Hoppus' bashing of the Angels & Airwaves CD comes across as extremely bitter, though, if his interview is honest, he has some reasons to be angry. Either way, I thoroughly enjoyed that album, and will probably like plus44's as well.

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